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Life Insurance

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Life insurance is a key component to a good financial plan. Here you will find unique programs to best determine and meet your client’s Life insurance needs. You will also find articles, tools and concepts to educate yourself and your clients on the need and many benefits of life insurance. And because it is always important to find new clients, we have also provided some prospecting tools as well.

Concepts and Presentations

Strategies for a LAZY IRA
LifeLINC – Three Uses
LifeLINC Pre-Approach Letter
LifeLINC IRA Legacy
LifeLINC Client Piece
U.L Costs Simplified
Stacks of Money

Life Insurance Review

PAR CPA Prospecting Letter
The Problem with Trusts Owning Life Ins.
Do You Have Enough Life Ins.
PAR Attorney Prospecting Letter
Trust-Owned Life Insurances
PAR Client Piece
Ten Most Common Mistakes
PAR Guide for Producers
Sample Underwriting Cover Letter

Life Insurance Tools and Resources

Case Made for Permanent life Insurance
Life Insurance Explanation
Navigating the Hazards of the Executive Arena
Client life Insurance & Financial Fact Finder (with In-Force Illustration request form)
Change Jar
Life Insurance Needs Analysis Worksheet
Carriers with NonMed Guidelines and Conditions

Asset Based LTC Product Details

LTC and Chronic Illness Rider Details Details

Term Conversion Guide By Carrier

Life Insurance for Business and Estate Planning

Estate Exemption Planning & the Crummey-Style ILIT
Business Insurance Survey
Why a Buy-Sell
Estate Planning Fact Find


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Annuity Rates

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